Olympia Allergy and Immunology

Spring has arrived! Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, pollens are floating, and about 40% of children and adults have runny noses and watery eyes. It’s allergy season once again.

Medium to high levels of tree pollen, mainly from juniper, alder, and elm, have been reported for Bellevue WA this week from pollen.com.

The peak of tree pollen season will be later in March, the grass pollen season begins in April, while the weeds season isn’t until May.

Health-care professionals diagnose seasonal allergies based on common symptoms, which include a stuffy or runny nose, bouts of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and occasionally a sore throat or cough.

These symptoms can last up to eight weeks and will resolve after the allergens present in the environment have subsided. Seasonal allergies usually dissipate quickly once the spring pollen has settled back into the ground.

Below are some ways to manage these seasonal allergies.

Avoiding the Pollen
  1. Allergies are worse during the day, avoid spending time outdoors in the middle of the day to lessen your exposure to pollen.
  2. When going out, wear a hat, face mask, and glasses to keep air particles off your hair, face, and eyes.
  3. If your child has a reaction while playing outside, wash their skin immediately with water.
  4. Always wash off after going outdoors. Wash your hair before going to bed to remove any stuck pollen and to avoid spreading these particles on your bed and pillow sheets.
  5. Don’t hang your laundry outside to avoid having pollen stuck in them.
  6. Close the windows in both your home and vehicle and use your air conditioning.
  7. At night, when you sleep, keep your head away from any open windows.
  8. Avoid close contact with your pets that spend most of their time outdoors.
Treatments for Seasonal Allergies
  1. Take antihistamines before any outdoor activities to manage your allergies. There are over-the-counter antihistamines available and they are relatively cheap. 
  2. A neti pot or a simple saltwater nasal wash can be effective at reducing nasal congestion.
  3. Decongestants for the nose can also reduce eye symptoms.

Generally, seasonal allergies can be managed with avoidance, home remedies, and simple medications if the symptoms are mild and they don’t interfere with your daily activities and sleep at night.

If your symptoms become more severe, it is recommended for you to consult with your doctor.

For more information, visit olympiaallergy.com and schedule an appointment with our clinic.

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