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Grass Pollen Allergy

With the allergy season already here and if you are allergic to grass pollen, your allergies will be worse in spring and summertime.  

Tips to Prevent Bee Stings

Going outdoors is fun. You enjoy life, the fresh air, the scenery, and just about everything nature has to offer. Everything is wonderful until you get stung by a bee. A bee or wasp sting is painful, and if you are allergic to these insects’ venom, it could lead to a life-threatening medical emergency. Nobody wants that, so how do you avoid bee or wasp stings? 

Treatment Options for Pollen Allergies

The allergy season is here. If you are one of the many people who have seasonal allergies, you might have already been suffering the symptoms like sneezing and nasal congestion. These are bothersome and are an inconvenience to our daily lives.
