Olympia Allergy and Immunology

Going outdoors is fun. You enjoy life, the fresh air, the scenery, and just about everything nature has to offer. Everything is wonderful until you get stung by a bee. A bee or wasp sting is painful, and if you are allergic to these insects’ venom, it could lead to a life-threatening medical emergency. Nobody wants that, so how do you avoid bee or wasp stings? 

A lot of people believe that bees and wasps are aggressive under any circumstances due to them being protective of their nests. In truth, stinging is their defensive mechanism. Those “individual workers” that are away from their colony just solely focus on foraging and typically ignore humans even at proximity. Stings are only provoked by accidental but firm touches like stepping on a worker bee or striking a bee or wasp with the hand. Therefore, being stung is riskier where there is a large number of bees or wasps present. 

With that said, here are some ways to prevent bee stings where you are outdoors. 

If a bee lands on you, don’t make any sudden movements 

It’s easier said than done, especially when insects scare you, but making sudden movements will just make them feel threatened. Do your best not to swat at them. When a bee or wasp lands on you, it’s better if you sit still and just try brushing them off gently. Although no matter how lightly you brush them off, there is always a risk of getting stung by aggravating them. So it’s best if you remind yourself that they are not built to sting you and just let them move along on their own. 

Avoid bees that seem to make beelines through the air 

If you see bees and wasps hopping from flower to flower, it’s safe to assume that they are foraging for food. It’s best to leave them alone and they’ll do the same to you. When you happen to see the bees going in a straight line, there’s probably a nest around. This is when you’ll want to avoid them at all costs. If you can spot the nest, head the other direction and stay as far away from it as possible.  

When eating outdoors, pour your drinks into a wide cup 

When you are out picnicking, it’s better to pour out the canned or bottled beverages into a cup to make sure that no insects are swimming in it. Bees and wasps sometimes explore drink containers, attracted by their sweet scent. It would be a disaster if you accidentally drink something that has a stinging insect in it.  

Put away leftovers and dispose of your trash quickly 

If you aren’t aware, wasps eat meat. So when you are done eating, clean up and put away any leftovers so that you won’t attract the stinging insects. Fruit and other sweet food should also be put away into tightly covered containers after you are done eating, and throw away your trash. 

Avoid wearing fruity or floral fragrances 

Bees are drawn to nectar, which is a sweet secretion from plants. They have an excellent sense of smell. Avoid wearing a fruity or floral scent when you go outdoors to avoid attracting these stinging insects.  

Wear neutral and muted tones 

Instead of wearing bright and attractive colors, wear clothes in a neutral or muted palette. Bees and wasps are attracted to bright colors, so to avoid attention from these stinging insects, it’s better to toss off the brights and stick to muted colors to be safe than sorry. 

Wear close shoes to protect your feet 

If you are going to walk outdoors where the meadows have long, overgrown grass, there’s a high chance that stinging insects are present. Again, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so wear close-toed shoes to keep your feet protected and avoid any insect stings. 

There are no effective repellent products to ward off bees or wasps, so practicing these precautionary measures is your best bet to avoid getting stung by these stinging insects.  

 For more information about bee stings, bee sting allergy, and its treatment, visit our clinic. 

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